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Hi. I am Professor Puan Sri Dr. Rohaty Mohd Majzub. Currently I am a Professor in Faculty of Education.I love to interact with everyone and learn something new. I believe in meeting a new friend everyday.However at times i am disheartened when other bloggers used my website to advertise their websites on google or abuse my website by changing the content of my articles.This is an unprofessional act. I hope this will stop. Thanks to those who participate in this website.I really appreciate your time and ideas.You are invited to visit my other websites: http://rohaty.edu.my http://rohaty-school-readiness.com http://rohaty.keciciran.edu.my


I am looking forward to share my personal and professional knowledge and experiences related to social-educational issues and challenges locally and internationally. I believe that much can be generated and learn cross culturally deriving from the varied diversity found in the education systems. Thus i welcome any thoughts, ideas, opinion and feedback on any educational issue which can contribute to both understanding theories and building educational implications. Issues can be very controversial but we have to address them open mindedly and creatively.My present interests are in child development, adolescent psychology,educational governance and policies and the science and art of teaching and research.Once again you are most welcome!!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Malaysia One - Aspiring and inspiring

My Dear Viewers

We have just familiarized ourselves with Malaysia One as expressed by our Prime Minister
Indeed to some Malaysian One maybe something already known but to some it may be new. Whatever we must accept that it is inspiring to have a new code, a new banner and a new brand name. But the new brandname may contain ittems we are already familiar with such as the noble virtues and values as found in Rukun Negara, PIPP, The way Forward and Vision 2020.
Values stated in Malaysia One include punctuality, preserverance, humbleness, acceptance, loyalty,integriti and meritocracy. The most important requirement of attaching values to our lives is that we must be convinced about them and we must live such values to the fullest ability . Incalcation of values sometimes take a long long time because one can sit in the comfort zone too long with old values. How do you feel saying Malaysia One out loud? Does it make you feel responsible to do your best to uphold its principles. ?If you do not feel such way then much has to be done to change mental sets and to enhance your affects and feelings. Good values die hard but they must be ingrained in our daily lives. Thus we need good models of good behavior to thrive. Community leaders such as politicians, educationists and people like you and me must be able to demonstrate such values for the young ones to emulate. Secondly how shall we measure whether such values have been achieved?Look around in the environment whether people talk about them and whether demonstrate such values in thoughts action and attitude. Prime Minister you encourage us to be better than our selves or our "old " selves. I sincerely hope the values of Malaysia One can become the backbone or thrust of our school curriculum and taken further our philosophy of living in multiracial diverse Malaysia-

Have a Happy Sunday

1 comment:

  1. Dr Habibah Hj Jamil (PTK5-Group2)June 23, 2009 at 5:54 PM

    One Malaysia concept was once expressed by Allahyarham Dato' Onn back in 1950's when he proposed to open the UMNO membership to non-Malays. However, his idea was harshly rejected by Malays and as a result, he lost his vote in national election. Then, Malaysian were not ready with this idea because of the gaps between three major races in our nation (Malays, Chinese & Indian). Now, after 50 years of independence, this concept is once again raised and rebranded by our Prime Minister, Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak. Nowadays, we live in different set of socio-economic and educational environment compare to the pre-independence day. People in Malaysia are no longer live in their own secluded race with separate economic sectors or employments and social gaps. Being multi-rational country, mix-marriage between Malays and Chinese, Indian or others in Malaysia are commonly accepted. In my opinion, although his idea was roughly rejected during pre-independent, Dato' Onn idea of One Malaysia was silently accepted especially after the 13 Mei 1969 tragedy. This idea was nurtured gradually by the virtues and values in Rukun Negara, the introduction of Sekolah Kebangsaan which use Bahasa Melayu as an educational medium, DEB and recently PLKN programme. One Malaysia concept is important to escalate the strength of our nation without fear of our differences (races, thought, political inclination etc.). To embrace this concept, everybody in Malaysia should uphold its principles and ready to cooperate to the fullest ability. However, being tolerate and cooperate, this concept must not jeopardize the purity of Islamic uphold among the Muslims and shouldn't deny the Malays position as a native race in Malaysia, as mutually agreed by people in our country during the independent day in 1957.
